Nursing Student 确定 to Improve Care for Minorities

多米尼克·尼克尔斯, undaunted by pandemic challenges, finds inspiration in others

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预期毕业后: 2023年春季

学术计划: Pre-licensure BSN

家乡: 来自密苏里州贝尔顿 


I want to make a difference in the way minorities are treated in the health care system. I want to be an advocate for them and provide culturally congruent care to all of my patients. My mother has been an emergency room tech.

What are the benefits of the program?

One is to be exposed to many learning opportunities through labs and clinicals, such as my current work at North Kansas City Hospital in the dialysis unit. The professors and administrative staff are also open to hearing students’ perspectives and concerns. And nurses are always in demand; I'll have a job when I graduate.


It has made me excited to build relationships with patients and care for those who are in need. I have also been inspired to set an example as a biracial woman in a prestigious field. This is such an important aspect of providing care to minorities.

Since entering college, what have you learned about yourself?

I have learned that I do not have to be perfect at everything. It is unrealistic, and it only causes more stress. I have been trying to focus on doing my best, even if it means cutting myself some slack for my own mental health.

What do you admire most at UMKC and why?

I admire the different types of people I see on campus (and on Zoom). There are people from many ethnicities, backgrounds and cultures. I think it is important to appreciate that we all have a multitude of things to bring to the table and everyone’s voice deserves to be heard. I love hearing other people’s experiences and perspectives on certain topics. They provide many learning opportunities and space for growth.

"I want to make a difference in the way minorities are treated in the health care system." ——多米尼克·尼科尔斯

你有奖学金吗? 它们对你意味着什么?

我是一名自豪的KC学者. To me, this scholarship means everything. 如果没有这个奖学金, I would have thousands of dollars in student loan debt like everyone else. This scholarship allows me to save money and spend it on other important things like my apartment, 我的车, 食物, 汽油和衣服. I will forever be grateful for the Kauffman Foundation for providing this scholarship to students like me. 在未来, I plan on becoming a donor to give back and to help other students reach their goals, 太.

Have you had an internship or job shadow?

I job-shadowed a nurse practitioner last fall. I learned how to communicate with patients, 如何管理时间, and how to document important information. I also got to observe a few surgeries on the skull and vertebrae. 这是一次很棒的经历! I will have a formal internship during my senior year. 

What do you hope to take from your experiences at UMKC into your career?

I hope to treat all people as individuals with their own lives and backgrounds that may or may not be the same as my own. I want to be non-judgmental and open minded as much as possible. I also want to be an advocate for patients and do what is best for them.

What is one word that best describes you and why?

确定. I am determined to be the best version of myself that I can be. I am also determined to make a difference in how minorities are treated in the health care system. It is important to me that everyone is treated with the respect and dignity they deserve.


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