First Gen UMKC Student Doubles Down

Krithika Selvarajoo takes challenges in stride

我们正在进行的故事从来自世界各地的人们开始,聚集在UMKC. Get to know our people and you’ll know what UMKC is all about.

Krithika Selvarajoo (Krit)
Anticipated graduation year: 2021
UMKC degree program: B.A. in English and Chemistry; Honors Program
Hometown: Singapore


Why did you choose UMKC?

Coming from a city, 我知道我想要一段大学经历,在那里我可以在空闲时间探索一个新的城市. 我认为堪萨斯城是一个完美的地方,让我有这样的经历,并顺利过渡到大学. Also, 我喜欢UMKC提供的多样性,并且知道它将为我提供结识新朋友的无限机会.

Why did you choose your field of study?

I've always been passionate about both the arts and sciences, which led me to pursue degrees in English and chemistry. Instead of being dichotomies, I knew the fields of English and chemistry would complement, if not overlap, 互相帮助,为我提供教育,帮助我继续发展成为一个全面发展的人.

What are the benefits of the program?

这两个学位都使我能够探索科学与文学之间的交叉点,同时培养与这两个领域相关的技能. For example, 我从实验数据和文学散文中学到了密切关注细节的重要性.

How has your college program inspired you?

I've been inspired to pave my own path for my future self. I was initially hesitant on majoring in two subjects. 但是在我作为双学位学生的第一个学期之后,我意识到我从来没有这么快乐过. From that moment, I knew the importance of paving my own path. Everyone's journey is different in their own way.

Since entering college, what have you learned about yourself?

我明白了走出你的舒适区对个人成长很重要. 在我大二的时候,没有一个学生组织引起我的兴趣. Rather than not being involved, I decided to start a Her Campus chapter here at UMKC. It was out of my comfort zone, 特别是因为我必须从头开始建立一个组织,并通过她的校园媒体的各种采访和编辑测试, but I am glad I took a leap of faith.

创建一个赋予校园女性权力的社区,同时为她们提供一个表达自己声音的渠道,这是一段非常充实的经历. 它不仅让我成长为一个领导者,也让我成长为一个独立的人.

“当我开始把自己放在那里结识新朋友时,我在UMKC的经历大大改善了." — Krit Selvarajoo

Are you a first-generation college student? If so, what does that mean to you?

Yes, it is something I am proud of. 作为家里第一个上大学的人,也有自己的挑战. 家里没有人可以和我谈论这些挑战,这可能是一种孤立, but that's what friends are for!


Who/What do you admire most at UMKC and why?

I love the diversity that UMKC offers. 不同的经历和背景为校园增添了更多的生活, 我觉得每次见到别人我都能学到新的东西.

Do you have any scholarships? What do they mean to you?

Yes, 我被英语系提名获得校长非居民奖, which covers a portion of my tuition. 获得这个奖项激励我做得更好,不仅让我自己感到骄傲, but the English Department proud as well.

今年夏天,我还获得了暑期本科生研究机会(SUROP)奖,我还获得了一笔学费奖和一笔基金,用于我目前与Dr. [Mohammad] Rafiee. The SUROP grant allowed me to gain immense research experience, particularly related to electrochemistry, 我知道我学到的技能在未来会很有用.


As campus correspondent for Her Campus at UMKC, I get to oversee the chapter and write and edit articles. 这为我在压力重重的学期里提供了一个创造性的出口.

I contribute to bi-weekly newsletters for Students for Justice, where I serve as the current events chair. 我是学生会协会的新闻秘书,这大大增加了我的大学经历.


制作内容,比如在UMKC上什么课来教育自己了解BIPOC文化,让我明白了社会倡导的重要性. Writing various student newsletters, some with campus updates,  加深了我对UMKC的热爱,以及它为所有学生提供的机会.

我在写作工作室做顾问已经两年多了, which has allowed me to meet a diverse group of students. Since writing consists of elements of vulnerability, 我确保通过与作家建立联系,为他们创造一个安全的空间. 在我看着世界杯赌场盘口为作家和个人的过程中,与他们建立关系是这份工作中最有成就感的部分.



当我开始把自己放在那里结识新朋友时,我在UMKC的经历大大改善了. There's always something to learn about each person you meet. 我希望我的职业生涯能为我提供与他人建立关系的平台.

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