Environmental Science Student Finds Inspiration in Peers and Professors

Symone弗兰克斯 found her path at UMKC and hopes to inspire others
Symone弗兰克斯 sits on an orange couch in a large, open room and smiles at the camera

袋鼠不仅会做梦,它们还会做梦. 我们的学生每天都把想法变成行动. Get to know our people, and you’ll know what UMKC is all about.

预计毕业年份: 2025年春季
UMKC学位课程: B.S. Environmental Science, environmental sustainability minor, honors program

Symone弗兰克斯 chose to come to UMKC because of the undergraduate research opportunities and diverse student body. In her time here, Franks has been motivated and inspired by her fellow students and professors.

“I admire everyone’s goal for excellence here at UMKC,” said Franks. “当我和其他学生和教师交谈时, everyone seems to have something big that they are working toward.”

A first-generation student, Franks is a KC Scholar and Marion Bloch Scholar. 她说如果没有这些奖学金, she would not have been able to fulfill her dream of attending college.


Environmental science has always interested me, and my dream job is working at the EPA. My degree program will give me a great foundation to get there.

What are the benefits and challenges of the program?

我喜欢这个项目的紧密性. I feel as if I can go to faculty members with any questions I have. The department also places a big emphasis on hands-on work, which has been beneficial to me.

The program can be challenging because it covers a broad area of study, 所以你会接触到很多信息.

Symone弗兰克斯 works on her laptop in a large, brightly-lit room. A student, out of focus, sits in a chair in another part of the room.


去年我刚上大学的时候, I was sure I wanted to do something related to the environmental sciences, but I had no idea what I wanted to do specifically. 在上了我的第一节环境科学课后, I was inspired by my professor's excitement about climate science. The program as a whole has inspired me to follow my dreams of working for the EPA and given me the confidence to know I can make it happen.

What does being a first-generation student mean to you?

Being a first-generation college student comes with a lot of responsibility. I am not just going to college for my own success but for my entire family’s success.

What other extracurricular activities are you involved in at UMKC?

I am involved with Kansas City Explores Earth and Environment (KC E3). This is a paid training program that is run through the earth and environmental science department.

I’m also in the 荣誉项目 and am an honors ambassador. As an ambassador, I communicate and meet with potential students. I really enjoy the 荣誉项目; the connections I've made with other students and professors in those classes are unique. The important conversations we have in classes are something I've never experienced in a standard learning environment. 

Symone弗兰克斯 rests her chin in her head and looks at the camera

What are you most proud of during your time at UMKC?

I had the opportunity to be a part of a team that welcomed around 40 middle school girls to campus for Earth Day with KC E3! It was such an amazing experience to be the role model that I wanted when I was younger.

What do you hope to take from your experiences at UMKC into your professional career?

I hope to take the spirit of excellence into my professional career. I want to continue to always ask questions and aim for better things.

Since entering college, what have you learned about yourself?

I learned that fulfillment is something that I will always be chasing. Before I came to college, my main goal was to make enough money to be successful. Now I realize that I need to be doing a job that contributes to the good of other people, 不仅仅是我自己.

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